Alternative Energies
Something to Remember: Key Climate Milestones in 2015

Began with the warmest winter on record globally. Hottest year on record globally. Toronto had the hottest Christmas Eve on record for a Canadian city, with the thermometer reaching 15.4 degrees C. 2015 was last year we’ll see atmospheric CO2 concentrations below 400 parts per million, above which the global climate starts getting wacky. The average global temperature increase averaged 1 degree C above pre-industrial times for the first time. Tropical cyclone Patricia went off the hurricane category scale with winds of over 320 km per hour. The Arabian peninsula was hit by two consecutive cyclones, unprecedented in the region. After four years of drought California was the driest it has been in 500 years. Jurisdictions such as B.C. and Alberta had their worst-ever wildfire seasons. Record flooding hit…

Angry moms get gun-toters booted from Whole Foods

Welcome to America: Home of the free, land of the gun nut. “Open carry” has been in the news this month as Texas implemented a law allowing people to openly carry guns in public as though this were, I don’t know … Syria or 1860. Lest you think this is just Texas being Texas, it’s not: Texas is the 45th state to pass an open carry law, and in the vast majority of those states, you don’t even need a permit. (Incidentally, the NRA spent nearly $300 million in 2013, according to its most recent published tax information. No word on how many lawmakers that bought.) Not everyone is thrilled to see their fellow citizens toting firearms to the mall or the movie theatre…