Alternative Energies
Seeing where energy goes may bring scientists closer to realizing nuclear fusion

An international team of researchers has taken a step toward achieving controlled nuclear fusion — a process that powers the sun and other stars, and has the potential to supply the world with limitless, clean energy. The team developed a new technique to ‘see’ where energy is delivered during fast ignition experiments and improve energy delivery to the fuel target.

Electric cars: Batteries with brains

The battery is the heart of the electric car. Researchers have developed an energy storage device which is significantly more cost-effective over the entire life cycle in comparison with previous models. If one of the more than one hundred battery cells is defective, it can be replaced easily. Until now, the entire battery had to be replaced.

Tandem solar cells are simply better

Stacking two solar cells one over the other has advantages: Because the energy is ‘harvested’ in two stages, and overall the sunlight can be converted to electricity more efficiently. Researchers have come up with a procedure that makes it possible to produce thin film tandem solar cells in which a thin perovskite layer is used. The processing of perovskite takes place at just 50 degrees Celsius and such a process is potentially applicable for low cost roll-to-roll production in future.