Alternative Energies
The Lateral Axis Wind Turbine

Energy Inventions | Wind Power | Wind TurbinesSri Lankan inventor Leelananda Jayasuriya just sent us this concept for a Lateral Axis Wind Turbine. The turbine functions just like a Ferris Wheel, with the blades orbiting in an epicyclical path around the central shaft. Leelananda believes there are many advantages to his design: it can rotate with the direction of the wind, it […]

The Eiffel Tower Installs Two Wind Turbines

Energy Industry | Wind Power | Wind TurbinesThe 126 year old Eiffel Tower is going green! A pair of camouflaged VisionAIR5 wind turbines were installed inside the scaffolding on the second floor, and are expected to generate 10,000 kilowatt hours of electricity every year. That’s enough to power the tower’s entire first floor; including history exhibits, a souvenir shop and restaurants. The […]

How Recycled CO2 is Changing the Manufacturing Landscape

Energy Economy | Energy Industry | Environment and SustainabilityEnvironmentalists have pushed greenhouse gases as being the leading cause of global warming. Carbon dioxide has been regarded as being the biggest contributor to the greenhouse effect. But what if there was a way to recycle the most abundant greenhouse gas in the Earth’s atmosphere? Carbon dioxide is a major byproduct of industrial power generation […]

The WaterNest: An Eco-Friendly Floating House

Environment and Sustainability | Photovoltaic Cells | Solar PowerDesigned by renowned Italian architect Giancarlo Zema and produced by EcoFloLife, the WaterNest 100 is an eco-friendly floating housing unit. The 100 square meter residential units are made of up to 98{f24b02adee2102ff0c5f5079c50862fc8ba5fa53f8615b567037555463da2377} recycled materials; including the laminate timber and aluminum hull. Skylights, balconies and large windows encircle the dwelling, allowing for efficient lighting and beautiful […]

The rise of Cli-Fi says something about our times

Four years ago, having just published a book of non-fiction, I was drawn to the idea of experimenting with fiction writing. Specifically, I wanted to write a dystopian novel that was a cross between Logan’s Run and Blade Runner. Climate change and the eventual draconian measures to keep it under control – declining country-assigned population caps, for one – would drive the narrative through characters who, in an increasingly carbon-constrained world, suddenly and unexpectedly found themselves among society’s most vulnerable. Working title: Cap and Cull. Why venture into fiction? It seemed to me like a better way to educate people about an otherwise complex – and I expect for most – boring topic. I tried to do this in my book Mad Like Tesla. …