Alternative Energies
Some like it hot: Simulating single particle excitations

Understanding and manipulating plasmons is important for their potential use in photovoltaics, solar cell water splitting, and sunlight-induced fuel production from carbon dioxide. Researchers have used a real-time numerical algorithm to study both the plasmon and hot carrier within the same framework. That is critical for understanding how long a particle stays excited, and whether there is energy backflow from hot carrier to plasmon.

Electric cars: Batteries with brains

The battery is the heart of the electric car. Researchers have developed an energy storage device which is significantly more cost-effective over the entire life cycle in comparison with previous models. If one of the more than one hundred battery cells is defective, it can be replaced easily. Until now, the entire battery had to be replaced.

Top 10 Green Cars – 2015 Vancouver Auto Show

Electric Cars | Fuel Cells | Hydrogen Fuel | TransportationThis Tuesday we had a unique opportunity to preview the Vancouver International Auto Show. This year’s show features a wide variety of electric, hydrogen and hybrid-electric vehicles. We took full advantage and we’re absolutely thrilled to see so many manufacturers putting research and development into clean transportation technologies. Almost every manufacturer had something future-friendly to […]