Alternative Energies
This guy started an e-waste band, and it’s actually amazing

You know what they say — when life gives you e-waste, start a band and make sick tunes with it. Together with his band Open Reel Ensemble, Japanese programmer and musician Ei Wada uses old projectors, cathode ray television sets, tape recorders, ventilation fans, discarded computers, and any other vintage tech with bizarre noise potential to make the kind of electronic music that would make a cyberpunk swoon. According to Motherboard, Wada’s interest in music began when he was four years old and attended a gamelan concert with his family. (The influence of gamelan, a traditional form of music from Indonesia, on electronica has been well-documented.) Here’s more from Motherboard: The memory stuck, and several years later, when Wada started tinkering with…

Why solar is the right option for your business?

Solar energy industry is growing rapidly at all levels, from local to international. And though some people still say that the time of solar revolution still hasn’t arrived, there are few facts that say the exactly opposite. Being environmentally friendly source of energy is something that is well known as one of the main solar energy benefits. But there is plenty more at stake here, it’s not only about environment and less CO2 in the atmosphere but also about certain economic benefits. Solar energy is rapidly growing offering new well paid jobs for many people, and not only that there are also significant tax benefits for households and businesses which make solar installations worth your time and money. On the long run there are significant savings in …