Alternative Energies
The Kymogen Wave Energy Generator

Energy Inventions | Hydro Power | Wave PowerMechanical Engineer David Hartmann and Craftsman Jason Ballash have designed a new wave power technology called the KymoGen, which has the potential to produce clean, low-cost energy using the constant power of waves. Key to the design is its simplicity. A portable 8’x8′ platform is tethered to a mooring on the sea floor. Inside the […]

3D Printed Solar Energy Trees

Energy Inventions | Future Technology | Photovoltaic Cells | Solar PowerHow would nature do it? Researchers at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland may be discovering the answer, thanks to advancing solar and 3D printing technologies. They have developed some very decorative prototypes of what they are calling “energy harvesting trees”. The tiny leaves generate and store solar energy and can be used to […]

The Hydrobee: USB Power from Nature

Energy Inventions | Human Power | Hydro PowerWe just received an email from a company called Hydrobee, asking us to vote for them as Autodesk’s inventor of the Year. Having never heard of this we checked it out… what a neat invention! This soda-can sized device generates electricity for USB devices when you’re off the grid. It can generate power using flowing […]

Oriental Hornet: Expert Solar Power Harvester

Environment and Sustainability | Photovoltaic Cells | Solar PowerDo you know who is the most competent solar power expert, according to a research team from Tel Aviv University? It is the humble common Oriental hornet found in our gardens! Much to the astonishment of the scientists and researchers, the hornet utilizes solar power much like a plant and it produces electricity. Think how […]

Tulip Shaped Solar Plants to be Installed in Ethiopia

Energy Industry | Future Technology | Solar PowerAORA Solar has announced that it will begin construction of its solar-biogas power plants in Ethiopia. Construction of the first pilot plant will start by mid-2015. Ethiopia’s Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy has stated that ” AORA’s unique solar-hybrid technology is impressive and well-suited to provide both energy and heat to support local economic […]