Alternative Energies
Solar vehicle charging at home

Owners of home photovoltaic systems will soon be able to make their households even more sustainable, because PV power is also suitable for charging personal electronic vehicles. A home energy management system recently created incorporates electric vehicles into the household energy network and creates charging itineraries.

Armed right-wing militia may not be the best caretakers of Native American artifacts

When those armed ranchers took over the headquarters buildings of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, they found something else on their hands: about 4,000 artifacts from the Burns Paiute Tribe’s ancestors. Thanks to that situation, we’ve learned that they have some pretty wild ideas about the history of whiteness, cattle, and Native Americans. The AP got the story: Thousands of archaeological artifacts — and maps detailing where more can be found — are kept inside the national wildlife refuge buildings currently being held by an armed group of protestors angry over federal land policy. Ryan Bundy, one of the leaders of the group occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon, says they have no real interest in the antiquities. Still, their access to the artifacts…

Seeing where energy goes may bring scientists closer to realizing nuclear fusion

An international team of researchers has taken a step toward achieving controlled nuclear fusion — a process that powers the sun and other stars, and has the potential to supply the world with limitless, clean energy. The team developed a new technique to ‘see’ where energy is delivered during fast ignition experiments and improve energy delivery to the fuel target.

Breakthrough to the development of energy-saving devices for the next generation

Researchers have succeeded in visualizing changes in defect density on the surface of GaN through the laser terahertz emission microscope (LTEM) which measures THz waves generated by laser emission. The discovery shows that LTEM is useful as a new method for evaluating the quality of wide-gap semiconductors and it is also expected that LTEM will bring a breakthrough in the development of next-generation optical devices, super high frequency devices, and energy devices.