Alternative Energies
Speeding up the hydrogen highway

Drivers are seeing more hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles on the road, but refueling stations for those vehicles are still few and far between. This is about to change. One reason is the Hydrogen Station Equipment Performance device, or HyStEP, which will greatly accelerate station commissioning.

How to convert US to 100 percent renewable energy

It’s technically possible for each state to replace fossil fuel energy with entirely clean, renewable energy, experts say. A new report is the first to outline how each of the 50 states can achieve such a transition by 2050. The 50 individual state plans call for aggressive changes to both infrastructure and the ways we currently consume energy, but indicate that the conversion is technically and economically possible through the wide-scale implementation of existing technologies.

Seeing where energy goes may bring scientists closer to realizing nuclear fusion

An international team of researchers has taken a step toward achieving controlled nuclear fusion — a process that powers the sun and other stars, and has the potential to supply the world with limitless, clean energy. The team developed a new technique to ‘see’ where energy is delivered during fast ignition experiments and improve energy delivery to the fuel target.