Alternative Energies
Top 10 Green Cars – 2015 Vancouver Auto Show

Electric Cars | Fuel Cells | Hydrogen Fuel | TransportationThis Tuesday we had a unique opportunity to preview the Vancouver International Auto Show. This year’s show features a wide variety of electric, hydrogen and hybrid-electric vehicles. We took full advantage and we’re absolutely thrilled to see so many manufacturers putting research and development into clean transportation technologies. Almost every manufacturer had something future-friendly to […]

Numerous bats killed by German wind turbines: Migratory bats at risk

Numerous bats are killed by German wind turbines. The number of such turbines, already very high, is planned to be increased further. More than two-thirds of bats being killed by wind turbines on German ground are migrants on their way between summer and winter habitats. Due to its geographical location in Europe, Germany has consequently a central responsibility for the conservation of migratory bats.