As offshore wind development moves forward in the United States, a timely and first-of-its-kind tool has been launched: the Offshore Wind Power Hub. This website offers a visualization of offshore wind projects across the country and updates to their development in real time. The Offshore Wind Power Hub is run by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) in partnership with the National Wildlife Federation (NWF).

“Detailed, up-to-date information about offshore wind development in the U.S. has not previously been available to the public for free in one easy-to-use, easy-to-access location,” says CESA Executive Director Warren Leon. “By making an extremely complicated technology and policy landscape more easily comprehensible, the Offshore Wind Power Hub will help to advance the equitable development of this transformative clean energy technology.”

In addition to the publicly available interactive map, the Offshore Wind Power Hub also includes an interactive forum and a resource library, available exclusively to offshore wind advocates and state and federal government employees. These sections of the Offshore Wind Power Hub provide a platform for advocates and policymakers to collaborate and share resources. Eligible users can request to join the Power Hub to access the restricted sections of the website.

“The National Wildlife Federation has long advocated for the responsible and transparent development of offshore wind power, and we are thrilled to contribute to this important resource,” said Amber Hewett, Senior Director for Offshore Wind Energy at NWF. “Developing offshore wind in the U.S. is a complex process involving federal, state, and local action. However, as more states than ever work to advance offshore wind energy, it has become more difficult to track where things stand and how to get involved. The Offshore Wind Power Hub will make information easier to access while fostering collaboration between those who support offshore wind development which protects wildlife, creates high-quality jobs, and invests in communities every step of the way.”

“Having a trusted source of accurate and up-to-date information for offshore wind development is a key tool for keeping stakeholders informed and engaged,” according to Kris Ohleth, the Director of the Special Initiative on Offshore Wind. “With mis- and dis-information on the rise, the Offshore Wind Power Hub is a resource that is more needed and relevant than ever.”

News item from CESA

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