Alternative Energies
3D ‘nanobridges’ formed using electron beam writing with tiny jets of liquid precursor

Researchers have demonstrated a new process for rapidly fabricating complex three-dimensional nanostructures from a variety of materials, including metals. The new technique uses nanoelectrospray to provide a continuous supply of liquid precursor, which can include metal ions that are converted to high-purity metal by a focused electron beam.

The Bigfoot Electric Monster Truck

Electric Cars | TransportationSome Friday fun… we discovered this intriguing electric beast while covering this week’s Vancouver Auto Show. It’s not really going to do much to help the environment, but we think it’s kind of neat that many manufacturers are jumping on the electric vehicle bandwagon. If anything this could help expose new technologies to a completely […]

Extending a battery’s lifetime with heat

Over time, the electrodes inside a rechargeable battery cell can grow tiny, branch-like filaments called dendrites, causing short circuits that kill the battery or even ignite it in flames. But thanks to new experiments and computer simulations, researchers have explored in detail how higher temperatures can break down these dendrites — and possibly extend battery lifetimes.

The Spherical Sun Power Generator

Energy Inventions | Future Technology | Solar PowerGerman Architect Andre Broessel believes he has a solution that can “squeeze more juice out of the sun”, even during the night hours and in low-light regions. His company Rawlemon has created a spherical sun power generator prototype called the beta.ray. His technology will combine spherical geometry principles with a dual axis tracking system, allowing […]