Alternative Energies
Chemistry controls magnetism

Magnets are well-known from the physics lessons at school, but they are hardly covered in chemistry lectures; and it is still a chemical process by means of which researchers have succeeded in controlling magnetic properties in bulk ferromagnets. While physical processes may influence the orientation of the magnetic fields, the chemical process in this case controls magnetism in carefully chosen strongly ferromagnetic material systems. The working principle used in this case is similar to the concept of lithium-ion batteries.

Kansas Wind Project Property Tax: What Recent Changes Mean for Existing and Future Projects

On May 28, 2015, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed legislation that will have a significant impact on the future of wind generation in the state.  The history of the political struggle underlying this legislation is a topic worthy of its own post, but suffice it to say that SB 91 represents a compromise between the wind industry and a faction of legislators that have attempted to reduce the state’s support of wind energy over the course of the last several legislative sessions. On a political level, this deal largely revolved around the future of Kansas’ 20{f24b02adee2102ff0c5f5079c50862fc8ba5fa53f8615b567037555463da2377} by 2020 Renewable Portfolio Standard, which has been subjected to a number of attacks over the last few legislative sessions.  All of these previous efforts failed, but the political pressure to reduce or repeal the…