Alternative Energies
Biodegradable robots? Not satisfied with stealing jobs, robots elbow in on death

When it comes to creating robots that look like humans, we’re getting good — uncannily good. And one expert has claimed that in 15 years, they’ll be smarter than us, too. But until recently, we haven’t devoted much thought to the robotic afterlife. Where, exactly, does a robot go when it has outlived its usefulness? Most robots are made from metal and plastic — and I’d hazard a guess that your out-of-commission Roomba isn’t headed to the compost pile. But in the future, it looks like our artificial friends could be going six feet under along with the rest of us. A team of scientists from the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) are on a mission to engineer completely biodegradable robots. Their…

Koch brother resigns from museum board after calls from scientists

For 23 years, David Koch, the billionaire industrialist who made a fortune off fossil fuels, ranching, fertilizers, and other environmental nightmares, has served on the board at the American Museum of Natural History. Koch’s position on the board is controversial, not least because of his position on climate change: The Koch family has spent millions funding climate change denier groups and disinformation campaigns, and scientists around the country have called for Koch to be removed from the museum board. Well, they finally got what they wanted — the American Museum of Natural History announced Koch’s resignation this week. A museum spokeswoman said Koch’s departure is unrelated to the calls for his dismissal, but, as The New York Times reports, a letter sent to museums of…