Alternative Energies
Obama’s Clean Power Plan survives a legal challenge

Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit denied motions to stay the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. Wondering what that means, exactly? Here’s a handy legal cheat sheet. What’s the Clean Power Plan? The Clean Power Plan is a set of restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions from the nation’s power plants. Projected to cut the electric sector’s CO2 output to 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, the plan is generally acknowledged as one of the most significant efforts to curb greenhouse gas pollution in U.S. history. Unsurprisingly, it’s also quite controversial. Who’s fighting it? Twenty-seven states, along with a bunch of coal companies and coal-dependent utilities, are suing to block the plan, arguing that it exceeds the EPA’s authority under…

Hydrogen-Powered Tram Developed in China

Fuel Cells | Hydrogen Fuel | Public Transit | TransportationIn an effort to reduce China’s harmful and plentiful greenhouse gas emissions, Chinese company Sifang (a subsidiary of China South Rail Corporation) has developed the world’s first hydrogen powered tram. The tram took two years of research and development to complete, and will be powered entirely by hydrogen fuel cells. Since this is a tram […]

Wind Project Development: From a Legal Perspective

Recently, Alan Anderson and I were thrilled to be invited to present to a class at the Washburn University Law School.  For those of you that don’t know, Washburn has developed a truly exceptional energy and oil & gas law program (something that I dearly wish I could have had in law school), thanks in large part to the efforts of Prof. David Pierce.  When Prof. Pierce’s invites us to do just about anything, we usually jump at the chance. For this presentation, our goal was to provide a high-level but fairly comprehensive overview of the types of legal issues that arise during the main stages of a wind project’s design, construction and operation phases.  Interestingly, after we sat down to plan out …

Seeing where energy goes may bring scientists closer to realizing nuclear fusion

An international team of researchers has taken a step toward achieving controlled nuclear fusion — a process that powers the sun and other stars, and has the potential to supply the world with limitless, clean energy. The team developed a new technique to ‘see’ where energy is delivered during fast ignition experiments and improve energy delivery to the fuel target.