Alternative Energies
8 quick tips for cutting lunchtime waste

When you add up the aluminum foil you used to wrap your sandwich, the yogurt you brought for dessert, and the can of soda you washed it all down with, it starts to become apparent that lunch is the most wasteful meal of the day. If you’re ever in doubt of this, take a look at your office’s trash bins around 2 o’clock. James Ransom For all of the awareness on food waste, it’s an issue that’s not getting any better. A 2014 Los Angeles Times piece reported that the city’s public school system tosses $100,000 worth of food a day. The good news is that there are easy solutions to curbing your lunch waste. Here are eight ways to reduce your lunch …

Vulnerable grassland birds abandon mating sites near wind turbines

Shifting to renewable energy sources has been widely touted as one of the best ways to fight climate change, but even renewable energy can have a downside, as in the case of wind turbines’ effects on bird populations. In a new paper, a group of researchers demonstrate the impact that one wind energy development in Kansas has had on Greater Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) breeding in the area.

Some like it hot: Simulating single particle excitations

Understanding and manipulating plasmons is important for their potential use in photovoltaics, solar cell water splitting, and sunlight-induced fuel production from carbon dioxide. Researchers have used a real-time numerical algorithm to study both the plasmon and hot carrier within the same framework. That is critical for understanding how long a particle stays excited, and whether there is energy backflow from hot carrier to plasmon.

Match-heads boost photovoltaic efficiency

Crystal growth on a nano/microscale level produces “match-head”-like, three-dimensional structures that enhance light absorption and photovoltaic efficiency. This is the first large structure grown on a nanowire tip and it creates a completely new architecture for harnessing energy.