Alternative Energies
2015 was record-busting hot, scientists say

This story was originally published by Newsweek and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. It’s official: No year on record has ever been as hot as 2015. And it broke the temperature record, just set in 2014, by an unusually large margin. NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the news on Wednesday morning, after both agencies separately analyzed global temperature data and came to the same conclusion. 2015 broke temperature records by a wide margin, amid a wave of other more localized climate anomalies around the world.NOAA / NASA The record was set by a full tenth of a degree Celsius (or nearly a fifth of a degree Fahrenheit), a much larger margin than usual, as temperature records are commonly broken by…

The Midterm Elections, the GOP Wave & Renewable Energy

On Nov 4th, Congressional Republicans beat back their Democratic opponents in nearly every part of the country.  Because of this resounding victory, Republicans have a tighter control of Congress than they’ve enjoyed since America teetered into the Great Depression at the end of the 1920s.  (Hopefully this is not foreshadowing). Although Republicans already enjoyed a solid, governing majority in the House heading into the 2014 midterms, the party still managed to gain more than a dozen seats (a few contests sill remain too close to call, so a final tally isn’t yet known).  The Senate—as is generally the case—is a bit tighter, but Republicans managed to pick up at least 8 seats with the possibility of a 9th if Bill Cassidy (R) defeats Mary Landrieu (D) in the Louisiana…