Alternative Energies
Team of appraisers across six states find home buyers will pay premium for solar homes

Photovoltaics added value to homes in six markets, according to a new report. They engaged a team of seven appraisers from across the six states to determine the value that solar photovoltaic systems added to single-family homes using the industry-standard paired-sales valuation technique, which compares recent sales of comparable homes to estimate the premium buyers would pay for PV.

Stormy weather ahead for wind farms?

Researchers will study the vibrations of wind turbines at a large Chilean wind farm along with health impacts on nearby residents. The goal is to make wind turbines more acceptable. Currently, scientists lack sufficient understanding of wind turbines’ noise and best ways to mitigate the effects, they say.

Extending a battery’s lifetime with heat

Over time, the electrodes inside a rechargeable battery cell can grow tiny, branch-like filaments called dendrites, causing short circuits that kill the battery or even ignite it in flames. But thanks to new experiments and computer simulations, researchers have explored in detail how higher temperatures can break down these dendrites — and possibly extend battery lifetimes.