Alternative Energies
The Eiffel Tower Installs Two Wind Turbines

Energy Industry | Wind Power | Wind TurbinesThe 126 year old Eiffel Tower is going green! A pair of camouflaged VisionAIR5 wind turbines were installed inside the scaffolding on the second floor, and are expected to generate 10,000 kilowatt hours of electricity every year. That’s enough to power the tower’s entire first floor; including history exhibits, a souvenir shop and restaurants. The […]

Tree Shaped Wind Turbines to be Installed in Paris

Energy Inventions | Wind Power | Wind TurbinesA French company called New Wind is installing tree-shaped wind turbines at the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France. The company’s founder, Jérôme Michaud-Larivière came up with the idea while in a Paris square, when he “saw the leaves tremble when there was not a breath of air.” He hopes the trees can be […]

Team of appraisers across six states find home buyers will pay premium for solar homes

Photovoltaics added value to homes in six markets, according to a new report. They engaged a team of seven appraisers from across the six states to determine the value that solar photovoltaic systems added to single-family homes using the industry-standard paired-sales valuation technique, which compares recent sales of comparable homes to estimate the premium buyers would pay for PV.

How Recycled CO2 is Changing the Manufacturing Landscape

Energy Economy | Energy Industry | Environment and SustainabilityEnvironmentalists have pushed greenhouse gases as being the leading cause of global warming. Carbon dioxide has been regarded as being the biggest contributor to the greenhouse effect. But what if there was a way to recycle the most abundant greenhouse gas in the Earth’s atmosphere? Carbon dioxide is a major byproduct of industrial power generation […]