Alternative Energies
Why Anaerobic Digestion Is Environmentally Friendly

The constant battle to reduce greenhouse gases has resulted in a constant search for more environmentally focused waste disposal systems – from an influx of recycled materials being crafted into other useful objects, through to sourcing eco-friendly treatment systems for our waste water – finding new ways to protect the environment is high on everybody’s radar. The Effect Of Anaerobic Digestion It is this constantly reaching for better solutions that has driven Anaerobic digestion to where it is now. By combining biodegradable materials, we now have an additional process for creating electricity and organic compost. This means fewer fossil fuels will be burned to heat our homes, chemical fertilisers won’t be in such high demand and our food will have a milder treatment system in place.

How Recycled CO2 is Changing the Manufacturing Landscape

Energy Economy | Energy Industry | Environment and SustainabilityEnvironmentalists have pushed greenhouse gases as being the leading cause of global warming. Carbon dioxide has been regarded as being the biggest contributor to the greenhouse effect. But what if there was a way to recycle the most abundant greenhouse gas in the Earth’s atmosphere? Carbon dioxide is a major byproduct of industrial power generation […]