Alternative Energies
The human population is aging. Can our cities handle it?

If there’s anything that our inability to tackle climate change has taught us, it’s that we are exceptionally good at ignoring — or straight up denying — problems that lie in our future, especially when they affect generations other than our own. So I hate to say it, but we’ve got another one coming: The human population is aging, and our cities aren’t ready for it. Here’s the scoop from the Washington Post: By 2030, more than 1 billion people (one in eight) will be aged 65 or older, and by 2050, nearly two-thirds of the world’s population will live in urban areas. What’s needed between now and then, according to a new report from McGraw Hill Financial Global Institute, is new thinking about how…

Carly Fiorina hijacks field trip, leads pre-schoolers to anti-abortion rally

A British reporter from the Guardian got an inside look at American politics recently when he witnessed Carly Fiorina forcing a bunch of unwitting school children to take part in a campaign stunt at an anti-abortion rally in Iowa. Later, Fiorina was accused by some parents of “ambushing” their kids. The Guardian’s Adam Gabbatt writes: The alleged ambush occurred when Fiorina hosted a “right to life” forum at the Greater Des Moines botanical garden. Entering the rally, before a crowd of about 60 people, she directed around 15 young children towards a makeshift stage. The problem, one parent said, was that the children’s parents had not given Fiorina permission to have their children sit with her – in front of a huge banner bearing the image…