Alternative Energies
Microbes map path toward renewable energy future

In the quest for renewable fuels, scientists are taking lessons from a humble bacterium that fills our oceans and covers moist surfaces the world over. Cyanothece 51142, a type of bacteria also called blue-green algae, produces hydrogen in robust fashion, and scientists have found that it taps into an unexpected source of energy to do so.

The Lateral Axis Wind Turbine

Energy Inventions | Wind Power | Wind TurbinesSri Lankan inventor Leelananda Jayasuriya just sent us this concept for a Lateral Axis Wind Turbine. The turbine functions just like a Ferris Wheel, with the blades orbiting in an epicyclical path around the central shaft. Leelananda believes there are many advantages to his design: it can rotate with the direction of the wind, it […]

Wind energy has become low cost option in United States

Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are declining in prices. This especially refers to latter as according to the US Department of Energy report wind energy prices have gone below 2.5c/kWh in 2014, which is a 65.5{f24b02adee2102ff0c5f5079c50862fc8ba5fa53f8615b567037555463da2377} decline compared to 2009.There are many utilities which are now selecting wind as one of the cheapest renewable energy options, particularly in the central United States. This means that wind energy is now cost-competitive and economically viable option that can compete with coal and natural gas in many U.S. states.The strong growth of wind energy sector in United States does not only mean more clean renewable energy and less fossil fuels burned, it also means plenty jobs for U.S. economy. It has been estimated …

Vulnerable grassland birds abandon mating sites near wind turbines

Shifting to renewable energy sources has been widely touted as one of the best ways to fight climate change, but even renewable energy can have a downside, as in the case of wind turbines’ effects on bird populations. In a new paper, a group of researchers demonstrate the impact that one wind energy development in Kansas has had on Greater Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) breeding in the area.

Insect mating behavior has lessons for drones

Male moths locate females by navigating along the latter’s pheromone (odor) plume. Two strategies are involved: males must find the outer envelope of the pheromone plume, and then head upwind. Can understanding such insect behavior be useful for robotics research? Yes, according to an entomologist, whose research using computer simulations shows that such insect behavior has implications for airborne robots (drones) that ply the sky searching for signature odors.