Interview with Benjamin Low, STEP founder

Trade shows are short-lived affairs involving a lot of effort and energy for just a few hours in the spotlight, not to mention a heap of materials that need subsequent disposal. This extravagance often sits awkwardly alongside the focal areas of the events themselves, particularly when sustainable themes like renewable energy and hydrogen are on the agenda and the emphasis is on resource conservation not consumption. Keen to highlight – and where possible redress – this incongruity, Benjamin Low has taken action by founding the Sustainable Trade Events Partnership (STEP).


H2-international: Mr. Low, you’ve had many years of experience running trade fairs so you know full well how material intensive and energy intensive such exhibitions are. Why did you decide to “switch sides,” as it were?

Low: (laughs) I’ve still not switched sides, but it’s precisely because I know the challenges here and am still actively involved in the exhibition sector that I had the feeling I could do something positive. All industries are facing the challenge of how to move toward “net-zero,” and the road ahead is still a long one. I’m convinced that, when you’re part of an industry, you can be much more effective as you’re not looking at the challenges from the outside, and you can talk to people very differently.


H2-international: So would it be true to say you intend to transform the exhibition sector?

Low: The exhibition sector is a huge industry with many stakeholders. For that reason I tend to shy away from saying that we can transform the entire sector, but we certainly want to draw attention to the issue and put things right. For the first time, we’ve set our sights on the energy trade fairs in Germany and Europe as we have really good contacts here and enjoy a level of trust, but also, of course, because sustainability always plays an important role here as a trade fair theme. Therefore it’s only right and proper that trade fairs reflect this in the way are built and run.

H2-international: In just a few words – what is it all about exactly?

Low: STEP was launched by me together with the international market research and certification institute EUPD Research to create an integrated platform for exhibition organizers, exhibitors, associations and media representatives who want to actively champion carbon-neutral and waste-free trade fairs and conferences. We like to say that STEP is the overarching canopy supported by the three pillars of our work: the exhibition organizers, exhibitors and service providers. The foundations for the three STEP pillars are the certificates and awards. This is where evaluation standards are developed with the participating stakeholder groups and these form the basis for providing certificates and awards to the trailblazers of the sustainable exhibition sector.

H2-international: But how does that become a business model?

Low: Business is, and has never been, the primary focus, but we still need to refinance ourselves, as otherwise it doesn’t make any sense to invest so much time and energy in the project. That’s why we offer memberships and consultancy to exhibitors and exhibition organizers as well as certifications to sustainable pioneers and service providers. This is where the experience garnered by EUPD Research over more than 20 years is extremely valuable.

H2-international: You’re currently testing the waters at The smarter E in Munich. How’s it going?

Low: It’s really interesting – we’re learning a lot! It’s the first time we’ve run the Sustainable Exhibitor Award, and it’s exciting to see where companies and exhibitors are currently at. All exhibitors from The smarter E can take part in our Sustainable Exhibitor Quick Check survey. Once they have achieved the minimum score, they need to submit supporting documents to complete the process. Successful applicants will then receive the Sustainable Exhibitor logo at The smarter E. We have two different levels: silver and gold standard.

H2-international: What’s next on the agenda?

Low: We’re talking to a couple of very well-known organizers and exhibition brands and would very much like to carry forward our consultancy and award services to other trade fairs and exhibition sites. We see the awards as a good opportunity to shine a light on this issue as the process gives you an overview of where you are and what there is still to do. We haven’t got a hydrogen trade fair lined up yet but we hope to change that in the near future.

Interviewer: Sven Geitmann

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