On March 10, Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) executive director, Brian Werner, testified at the Senate State and Local Government and Veterans Committee on SF 2584 – the Clean Transportation Standard Act.

In his testimony, Werner said a low carbon fuel standard in Minnesota offers the potential to lower greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector and support communities in greater Minnesota if crafted properly and combined with complementary policies.

In particular, he said the specifics of a successful low carbon fuel standard in Minnesota should take into account the following principles and complementary policies:

1. Technology and feedstock neutral

2. Proper accounting for feedstock production practices and evaluation of carbon intensity

3. Increased market access for renewable fuels

4. Regional collaboration

“Reducing carbon emissions from our transportation sector and putting Minnesota on track to meet its climate goals will take an all-of-the-above approach that utilizes immediate, affordable, and abundant tools like low carbon biofuels,” Werner said.

The full text of his testimony can be found here.

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