Nothing makes us swoon like a lionhearted climate change warrior. So today’s climate crush should come as no surprise: Leonardo DiCaprio, the celebrity face of fixing our planet.

On Tuesday, DiCaprio received yet another award — where does he keep all 100 million of them, an award room? — and pledged $15 million to environmental groups. The award was for his leadership in confronting the climate crisis and was presented at the World Economic Forum’s Crystal Awards in Davos, Switzerland.

Mashable breaks down where his donations are going:

Our dauntless dreamboat’s acceptance speech focused on real environmental issues (unlike certain political figures we’ve heard from recently) and included a dig at the fossil fuel industry. “We simply cannot afford to allow the corporate greed of the coal, oil, and gas industries to determine the future of humanity,” DiCaprio said.

“Twenty years ago, we described this problem as an addiction,” he continued. “Today, we possess the means to end this reliance.”

You’re making the rest of us look bad, Leo! Oh, stop blushing and go add that shiny crystal trophy to your award room.

Filed under: Article, Climate & Energy
SOURCE: Grist – Read entire story here.