Growth Energy is pleased to welcome nZero as our newest associate member! nZero is a 24/7 climate management platform that provides users the accurate emissions data they need to reach net zero and make smart decisions that benefit the health of the planet. nZero gathers accurate, first-party, contextual data into a comprehensive view, making it simple for organizations to pinpoint energy reduction opportunities within their operations, easily implement carbon reduction actions, and spend smarter along the way.

“We believe that biofuels are a critical component of both the agricultural supply chain and the industry’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, and that championing renewable fuels will in turn support American farmers and farm communities, raise awareness to the climate smart practices and innovative tools being deployed by producers and agribusinesses, and improve the marketplace for sustainable fuel sources,” said Preston Brown, Director of Agribusiness at nZero. “We’re excited to join Growth Energy and we look forward to supporting the biofuel industry in its pursuit to its net zero target.”

Please join us welcoming nZero to Growth Energy!

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