The Science Center for Marine Fisheries (SCEMFIS) has accepted Community Offshore Wind as the latest company to join the Center as a member of its Industry Advisory Board (IAB). 

Community Offshore Wind, a joint venture of RWE and National Grid Ventures, currently holds the largest offshore wind lease area in the New York Bight. As the project is developed, the venture hopes to balance the needs of existing ocean users and the wind power sector.

“Community Offshore Wind is committed to successful coexistence with commercial and recreational fisheries,” says Deirdre Boelke, fisheries manager for Community Offshore Wind. 

“We support SCEMFIS’ approach of science and industry working together for sustainable fisheries, and believe that the growth of offshore wind in the U.S. is an opportunity for the fishing industry, researchers and developers to identify innovative solutions to build resilient fisheries facing impacts of climate change and other challenges.”

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