Fuel costs have been rising steadily for a number of years and the taxation burden increases as well, leading to a double load for the user to bear. For this reason, U.E. has decided to invest heavly on green energy like biogas energy, that is indicated between renewable energy sources (like wind, solar, hydro power etc.) that can provide not only energy independence, but also the gradual reduction of currentstate of air pollution and greenhouse effect. In 2010 the European Parliamenthas proposed to the E.U. the goal that rebewable energy sources cover 15{9d1f0b33d0dfecc7a532185a91e80dc02994fcd6e1d2f71ba6b569dea4e7d0d7} of energy used. At the moment, renewable energy sources are less than 6{9d1f0b33d0dfecc7a532185a91e80dc02994fcd6e1d2f71ba6b569dea4e7d0d7} with a growth rate very low.

Among the renewable sources that are not in the spotlight, biogas energy is one of the most uniques.
“Biogas energy” typically refers to a methane gas collected in a power plant, produced from decomposing of organic matter, which is sometimes grown specially for this purpose.
It’s a form of “green energy”, utilized worldwide to supply energy in various ways, helping to reduce the dependence on imported fossil fuels with a lot of economical and ecological advantages.

The methane can be burnt, in combined heat and power plants for power generation using waste heat, as biomethane fed into the natural gas grid after appropriate processing of the biogas, as fuel for natural gas vehicles or directly for cooking. And thanks to that uses of biogas energy, we have a series of other ecological benefits like odors elimination, the reuse of organic matrices, the reduction of groundwater and solil pollution, of the emissions like greenhouse gases, particularilly that resposible of acid rain. Moreover, the sludge remains at the end of the production process of biofuels can be used as fertilizer, reducing the use of chemical ones, improving soil physical and chemical properties.

In Germany (the leader country in Europe in the market of biogas technology and the biggest clean energy producer at the moment) the biogas is used as fuel to feed public transports, greatly reducing the rate of pollution in the cities. This is an example of the economic benefits comes from the use of biogas energy.
From manure and various kind of biomass can be created a viable and important alternative energy source, producing electricity for its own needs, being able to sell to the local grid electricity as redundant. What once was a cost to be incurred now is a precious opportunity and exploited to produce valuable electricity from biogas energy, will help you make the system more convenient and closer to your needs.