Alternative Energies
3D ‘nanobridges’ formed using electron beam writing with tiny jets of liquid precursor

Researchers have demonstrated a new process for rapidly fabricating complex three-dimensional nanostructures from a variety of materials, including metals. The new technique uses nanoelectrospray to provide a continuous supply of liquid precursor, which can include metal ions that are converted to high-purity metal by a focused electron beam.

Scientists demonstrate how to improve ultrathin CIGSe solar cells by nanoparticles

CIGSe solar cells are made of a thin chalcopyrite layer consisting of copper, indium, gallium and selenium and can reach high efficiencies. Since indium is becoming scarce and expensive, it is interesting to reduce the active CIGSe layer, which however decreases the efficiency quite strongly. Now, scientists have produced high quality ultrathin CIGSe layers and increased their efficiency by an array of tiny nanoparticles between the back contact and the active layer.

Why solar is the right option for your business?

Solar energy industry is growing rapidly at all levels, from local to international. And though some people still say that the time of solar revolution still hasn’t arrived, there are few facts that say the exactly opposite. Being environmentally friendly source of energy is something that is well known as one of the main solar energy benefits. But there is plenty more at stake here, it’s not only about environment and less CO2 in the atmosphere but also about certain economic benefits. Solar energy is rapidly growing offering new well paid jobs for many people, and not only that there are also significant tax benefits for households and businesses which make solar installations worth your time and money. On the long run there are significant savings in …