StormFisher Hydrogen and Kiwi to develop green hydrogen projects in North America and Europe

StormFisherHydrogen and Kiwi haveentered intoa partnership to advance green hydrogen projects in North America and Europe.  

StormFisher will support kiwi’s plans to build and operate Power-to-X (PtX) projects throughout the EU. 

Each proposed facility will convert up to 300MW of renewable electricity into green hydrogen and produce upwards of 1.5m GJs or 90,000MT of green methanol using biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) from various industries.  

The facilities will use renewable electricity to produce low carbon fuels such as compressed hydrogen, renewable natural gas, liquefied renewable natural gas, green methanol and other liquid fuels and chemicals.  

Hermann Pengg, founder and CEO of kiwi, said, “Kiwi is happy to have StormFisher Hydrogen as a partner who’s experienced in project development in the North American market and for its expertise in the legislative frameworks to enable us as partners to develop market-specific setups that realise the common goal of Net Zero.”  

StormFisher has a record over the last 15 years of developing long-term, successful renewable energy facilities that continue to operate today. This includes the ‘largest’ industrial biogas plant in North America, generating 225,000GJ of renewable natural gas, 2.85MW of renewable electricity, while processing over 135,000MT of organic waste per year.  

Through the collaboration, StormFisher will in turn gain access to Kiwi’s technical and operational maintenance data from running the world’s first industrial power to gas plant in Werlte, Lower Saxony. The plant has been generating up to 1,300cbm of green hydrogen per hour since 2013 using 6MW of alkaline electrolysers and biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) from a nearby food waste anaerobic digestion facility. 

Brandon Moffatt, co-founder of StormFisher Hydrogen, said, “We believe that our goals/aspirations fit together well and look to be a leader in the space for many years to come. Kiwi has unique operational experience and expertise with clean hydrogen production that we look forward to leveraging in our project development efforts in North America.”  

The partnership falls in line with ambitions from the Canadian and German Government to enhance energy security with clean Canadian hydrogen. 

StormFisher claims to partnership will allow the company to gain insights from a ‘leader’ in the production of green hydrogen and relay this information back to the emerging industry in Canada.  

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