In the second round of the HyLand contest, the winners in the category of HyPerformer were announced end of April 2023. Dr. Volker Wissing, German minister for transport and digital infrastructure, handed the three regions Rügen-Stralsund, Erfurt (see H2-international report on TH2ECO-Mobility on p. 12) and Rhein-Ruhr the funding commitment for 15 million EUR each to implement their integrated hydrogen concepts. The tax money is intended in particular to procure H2 applications in the transport sector.

Volker Wissing stated: “HyPerformer Regions are Leuchtturmprojekte (pioneering projects) with national as well as international scope. In these regions, initial networks, infrastructures and projects have already been established. In the next step, the focus is now on the rollout of the technology and its practical application.”

In all, the German transport ministry is meanwhile supporting 53 H2 Regions across the three funding categories HyStarter (networking), HyExperts (conceptualization – see H2-international’s Regions Series on p. 22) and HyPerformer (implementation) since the start of HyLand in 2019.

“We want to become one of the leading hydrogen nations in the world.”

German transport minister Dr. Volker Wissing

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